1. Click in the Quick Search form and the link to Advanced Search will appear.
2. Advanced Search form is selected by default. You can also select Free Form Query, if you would like to write the query yourself without using drop down menus.
Search terms and field codes will appear in the space below the search tips as you enter them. You cannot write or delete anything in this space, this is possible only if you switch to Free Form Query instead.
3. Select All (and) or Any (or) to combine the rows.
4. Use the + icon too add rows, the - icon to remove rows.
5. For each row, use the drop down menus to select which content to search: Any content, Book title, Section title, Book content, Short cut content, Author, ISBN, Publisher is, Folder, Popular tags, Category is, Year published. For Publisher is and Category is you will get a list of publishers and categories to choose from.
6. Type your search terms. Use quotation marks for phrases.