The following general format and examples refer to an anthology or compilation that has been put together by an editor. If a compiler was responsible for the work instead of an editor, use "comp." without the quotation marks, instead of "ed."
General Format
Parenthetical Citation:
(Editor Surname page number)
Works Cited:
Editor Surname, First Name, ed. Book Title: Subtitle. Place of Publication:
Publisher, Year. Medium.
Example 1
Parenthetical Citation:
(Wolfson 227-29)
Works Cited:
Wolfson, Susan J., ed. The Cambridge Companion to Keats. Cambridge:
Cambridge UP, 2001. Print.
Example 2
Parenthetical Citation:
(Kepner 30)
Works Cited:
Kepner, Susan Fulop, ed. and trans. The Lioness in Bloom: Modern
Thai Fiction about Women. Berkeley: U of California P, 1996. Print.