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MLA Citation Style 7th Edition: K. Introduction, Foreword, Preface, or Afterword

Introduction, Foreword, Preface, or Afterword (161-162)

In the following example, the "Part being Cited" refers to the Introduction, Preface, Foreword or Afterword.
General Format 
      Parenthetical Citation: 
      (Author Surname [of Part being Cited] page number)
      Works Cited:
      Author Surname, First Name [of the Part being Cited]. Name of Part being Cited. 
            Book Title: Subtitle. By Author First Name Surname [of entire work - use Ed.
            instead of "By" if an Editor is responsible for the work]. Place of Publication:
            Publisher, Year. Page range of Part being Cited. Medium.
      Parenthetical Citation:
      (Hamill xi)
      Works Cited:
      Hamill, Pete. Introduction. The Brooklyn Reader: Thirty Writers Celebrate
            America's Favorite Borough. Ed. Andrea Wyatt Sexton and Alice Leccese
            Powers. New York: Harmony, 1994. xi-xiv. Print.