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MLA Citation Style 7th Edition: A. Work of Art

Work of Art in a Print Publication (200-201)

General Format 
      Parenthetical Citation: 
      (Artist Surname page or plate number)
      Works Cited:
      Artist Surname, First Name. Title of Artwork. Composition Year.  Institution or private
            owner and city (if available). Publication Title. Ed. Editor First Name Surname.
            Place of Publication: Publisher, Year. Page or Plate number. Medium.
      Parenthetical Citation:
      (Eakins plate 91)
      Works Cited:
      Eakins, Thomas. Spinning. 1881. Private collection. Thomas Eakins. Ed. Darrel
            Sewell. Philadelphia: Philadelphia Museum of Art in assn. with Yale UP, 2001.
            Plate 91. Print.